pixiVerse - artificial life

Pixilang programming language
Posts: 184
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pixiVerse - artificial life

Post by ainegil »


I havent coded a single line in 20 years, but I have an idea for a new kind of particle life which I want to implement in pixilang.

Any help will be appreciated.

My idea is instead of having a limited number of particle classes for particle types, you use thearbitrary RGB values of random colored pixels for attraction/repulsion parameters,

Another idea is to introduce a lifespan for the particles, and each time a particle dies a new random particle is born.

More on particle life in this video

More on my ideas in another post soon
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Re: pixiVerse - artificial life

Post by ainegil »

I also want the particles to move in a 3D space
Last edited by ainegil on Sat Sep 24, 2022 3:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: pixiVerse - artificial life

Post by ainegil »

I only have Android devices, and I am still looking for an editor for pixilang.

The code us about 1/3 of what is needed to turn this into a pixi script.

Will post questions later, if someone wants to give it a try in the meantime or has other suggestions, just go ahead ir let me know.

I hope some people are interested in this.
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Re: pixiVerse - artificial life

Post by ainegil »

( obsolete - deleted)
Last edited by ainegil on Sat Sep 24, 2022 3:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: pixiVerse - artificial life

Post by ainegil »

Last edited by ainegil on Sat Sep 24, 2022 3:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 184
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Re: pixiVerse - artificial life

Post by ainegil »

Last edited by ainegil on Sat Sep 24, 2022 3:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 184
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Re: pixiVerse - artificial life

Post by ainegil »

Last edited by ainegil on Sat Sep 24, 2022 3:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 184
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Re: pixiVerse - artificial life

Post by ainegil »

Ok, here is a first working version

Its rather slow though, too slow, maybe someone has an idea how to optimize?

Last edited by ainegil on Sat Sep 24, 2022 6:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: pixiVerse - artificial life

Post by ainegil »

... ...
Last edited by ainegil on Sun Sep 25, 2022 2:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 184
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Re: pixiVerse - artificial life

Post by ainegil »

lots of changes, cubic forces etc

Last edited by ainegil on Mon Sep 26, 2022 3:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: pixiVerse - artificial life

Post by ainegil »

Finally, a proper version.

Shows some nice emergent flocking swarm behaviour, but is different from the 2D version

Check it out, forget the sh1t around us for a moment.

The longer it runs the more ciherent it becomes

Code: Select all

Numparticles = 300
Distscale = 0.717
Distmax = sqrt(1280*1280 + 720*720)*2
Distmin = 2
Distmin1_2 = Distmin / 2
Distrange = Distmax - Distmin

Frictioncoeff = 0.89
Speedstep = .6
Maxlife = 8000
Minbright = 16 //255 * 0.382

Lifetime = new( Numparticles )
Particlecolor = new( Numparticles )
ParticleX = new( Numparticles,1 ,FLOAT32 )
ParticleY = new( Numparticles,1 ,FLOAT32 )
ParticleZ = new( Numparticles,1 ,FLOAT32 )
ParticleVx = new( Numparticles,1 ,FLOAT32 )
ParticleVy = new( Numparticles,1 ,FLOAT32 )
ParticleVz = new( Numparticles,1 ,FLOAT32 )

StageW = 640
StageH = 360
StageD = 360
StageW_2 = StageW / 2
StageH_2 = StageH / 2
StageD_2 = StageD / 2
norm = 1 / 255
norm32 = 1 / 32767

// ----------SET UP CANVAS
//set_pixel_size( WINDOW_XSIZE / StageW )
//resize( get_screen(), WINDOW_XSIZE, WINDOW_YSIZE )

Maincanvas = new( StageW , StageH  )
set_screen( Maincanvas )

// -----------------------
while (1)
// loop per each particle1 with x1, y1, z1, R1, G1, B1
   // loop per each particle2 with x2, y2, z2, R2, G2, B2

for( i = 0; i < Numparticles; i + 1)
// ‐---------init particle
if Lifetime[ i ] < 1
rando = rand()
Lifetime[ i ] = Maxlife * rando * norm32 * 0.618 + Maxlife * 0.382
R = rand() & 255
G = rand() & 255
B = rand() & 255
R = ( rand() & 7 ) * 32
G = ( rand() & 7 ) * 32
B = ( rand() & 7 ) * 32
R = ( R * ( 255 - Minbright ) * norm + Minbright ) & 255
G = ( G * ( 255 - Minbright ) * norm + Minbright ) & 255
B = ( B * ( 255 - Minbright ) * norm + Minbright ) & 255
Particlecolor[ i ] = get_color(R,G,B)
ParticleStagecolor[ i ] = get_color(R/4 + 191,G/4 + 191,B/4 + 191)

ParticleX[ i ] = StageW_2 //rand() * norm32 * StageW
ParticleY[ i ] = StageH_2 //rand() * norm32 * StageH
ParticleZ[ i ] = StageD_2 //rand() * norm32 * StageD

Lifetime[ i ] = Lifetime[ i ] - 1

//------------‐---------------‐--‐------- calculate‐-------------------
color1 = Particlecolor[ i ]
R1 = get_red(color1) * norm
G1 = get_red(color2) * norm
B1 = get_blue(color1) * norm

for( j = 0; j < Numparticles; j + 1 )

color2  = Particlecolor[ j ]
R2 = get_blue(color2)  * norm
G2 = get_green(color1)  * norm
B2 = get_green(color2)  * norm

// attraction-repulsion  weight by color
Cweight =  (R1*R2 +  G1*G2 +  B1*B2)/6  
Cweight = Cweight -  ( R1 * ( G2 + B2 )  + G1 * ( R2 + B2 ) + B1 * ( R2 + G2 ) )/12
if Cweight > 0 { SgnC = 1 }
else { 
Cweight = Cweight * 0.1
SgnC = -1 

AbsCW = abs( Cweight )

// attraction-repulsion  weight by distance
DistX = ParticleX[ j ] - ParticleX[ i ] 
if abs( DistX ) >= StageW_2
  { DistX =  - ( StageW - DistX ) }
if DistX < 0 { SgnX = -1 } else { SgnX = 1 }

DistY = ParticleY[ j ] - ParticleY[ i ] 
if abs( DistY ) >= StageH_2
  { DistY =  - ( StageH - DistY ) }
if DistY < 0 { SgnY = -1 } else { SgnY = 1 }

DistZ = ParticleZ[ j ] - ParticleZ[ i ] 
if abs( DistZ ) >= StageD_2
  { DistZ =  - ( StageD - DistZ ) }
if DistZ < 0 { SgnZ = -1 } else { SgnZ = 1 }

DistrangeScaled = Distrange * ( 1 - Distscale ) + Distrange * Distscale * AbsCW
Distrange_2 = DistrangeScaled / 2

if SgnC > 0 {
Tx = abs( DistX ) - Distmin1_2
if Tx < Distmin
  {  DXweight =  - SgnX * Tx / Distmin1_2  }
else { if Tx < DistrangeScaled
     { DXweight =  SgnX * (1- ( Tx - Distmin1_2 )/ DistrangeScaled  )}
  { DXweight = 0 }

Ty = abs( DistY ) - Distmin1_2
if Ty < Distmin
  {  DYweight =  - SgnY * Ty  / Distmin1_2  }
else { if Ty < DistrangeScaled
     { DYweight =  SgnY * (1- ( Ty - Distmin1_2 )/ DistrangeScaled  )}
  { DYweight = 0 }

Tz = abs( DistZ ) - Distmin1_2
if Tz < Distmin
  {  DZweight =  -  SgnZ * Tz  / Distmin1_2  }
else { if Tz < DistrangeScaled
     { DZweight =  SgnZ * (1- ( Tz - Distmin1_2 )/ DistrangeScaled  )}
  { DZweight = 0 }
} else {
Tx = abs( DistX ) 
if Tx < DistrangeScaled
     {  DXweight =  - SgnX * ( 1- Tx  / DistrangeScaled ) 
     { DXweight = 0 }
Ty = abs( DistY ) 
if Ty < DistrangeScaled
     {  DYweight =  - SgnY * ( 1- Ty  / DistrangeScaled ) 
     { DYweight = 0 }
Tx = abs( DistZ ) 
if Tz < DistrangeScaled
     {  DZweight =  - SgnZ * ( 1- Tz  / DistrangeScaled ) 
     { DZweight = 0 }

// ----------- update velocity

//ForceX = DXweight * abs( DXweight ) * Cweight * Speedstep
ForceX = DXweight * DXweight * DXweight  * Speedstep * AbsCW
ParticleVx[ i ] = (( ParticleVx[ i ] + ForceX ) + ParticleVx[ i ]*0.0000)
ParticleVx[ j ] = (( ParticleVx[ j ] + ForceX ) + ParticleVx[ j ]*0.0000)
ForceY = DYweight * DYweight * DYweight  * Speedstep * AbsCW
ParticleVy[ i ] = (( ParticleVy[ i ] + ForceY ) + ParticleVy[ i ]*0.0000)
ParticleVy[ j ] = (( ParticleVy[ j ] + ForceY ) + ParticleVy[ j ]*0.0000)
ForceZ = DZweight * DZweight * DZweight  * Speedstep * AbsCW
ParticleVz[ i ] = (( ParticleVz[ i ] + ForceZ ) + ParticleVz[ i ]*0.0000)
ParticleVz[ j ] = (( ParticleVz[ j ] + ForceZ ) + ParticleVz[ j ]*0.0000)

  // end inner loop
// end outer loop

// -----------Draw particles
effector( EFF_HBLUR, 2, WHITE, - StageW_2 , - StageH_2, StageW, StageH )
effector( EFF_VBLUR, 2, WHITE, - StageW_2 , - StageH_2, StageW, StageH )



for( i = 0; i < Numparticles; i + 1 )

//  ---------- friction
ParticleVx[ i ] = ParticleVx[ i ] * Frictioncoeff
ParticleVy[ i ] = ParticleVy[ i ] * Frictioncoeff
ParticleVz[ i ] = ParticleVz[ i ] * Frictioncoeff
//  ----------- move
ParticleX[ i ] = ParticleX[ i ] + ParticleVx[ i ]
ParticleY[ i ] = ParticleY[ i ] + ParticleVy[ i ]
ParticleZ[ i ] = ParticleZ[ i ] + ParticleVz[ i ]

// ----------WRAP INTO FIELD

ParticleX[ i ] = mod( ParticleX[ i ], StageW ) 
if ParticleX[ i ] < 0 { ParticleX[ i ] = ParticleX[ i ] + StageW }
ParticleY[ i ] = mod( ParticleY[ i ], StageH ) 
if ParticleY[ i ] < 0 { ParticleY[ i ] = ParticleY[ i ] + StageH }
ParticleZ[ i ] = mod( ParticleZ[ i ], StageD ) 
if ParticleZ[ i ] < 0 { ParticleZ[ i ] = ParticleZ[ i ] + StageD }

//dot3D( ParticleX[ i ], ParticleY[ i ], ParticleZ[ i ], Particlecolor[ i ] )

dot( ParticleX[ i ] - StageW_2, ParticleY[ i ] - StageH_2, ParticleStagecolor[ i ] )

dot( ParticleX[ i ] - StageW_2, ParticleY[ i ] - StageH_2, ParticleStagecolor[ i ] )

//dot( ParticleX[ i ] - StageW_2, ParticleY[ i ] - StageH_2, WHITE )


//goto mainroutine
Posts: 184
Joined: Thu Sep 22, 2022 11:37 pm

Re: pixiVerse - artificial life

Post by ainegil »

Nicer paramters, and slightly optimized

Code: Select all

Numparticles = 320
Distscale = 1 - 0.159 //0.717
Distmax = sqrt(1280*1280 + 720*720 + 720*720)
//sqrt(640*640 + 360*360 + 360*360)
//sqrt(1280*1280 + 720*720 + 720*720)
Distmin = 1.382
Distmin1_2 = Distmin / 2
Distrange = Distmax - Distmin
Repulsrange = 6 / Distrange

Frictioncoeff = 0.81 //0.87
Speedstep = 0.03 //.23
Maxlife = 8000
Minbright = 0 //255 * 0.382

Lifetime = new( Numparticles )
Particlecolor = new( Numparticles )
ParticleX = new( Numparticles,1 ,FLOAT32 )
ParticleY = new( Numparticles,1 ,FLOAT32 )
ParticleZ = new( Numparticles,1 ,FLOAT32 )
ParticleVx = new( Numparticles,1 ,FLOAT32 )
ParticleVy = new( Numparticles,1 ,FLOAT32 )
ParticleVz = new( Numparticles,1 ,FLOAT32 )

StageW = 360
StageH = 222
StageD = 137
StageW_2 = StageW / 2
StageH_2 = StageH / 2
StageD_2 = StageD / 2
norm = 1 / 255
norm32 = 1 / 32767
normA = 1 / ( 255*255*3*2)
normB = 1 / ( 255*510*3*2)
norm6 = 1/6
norm12 = 1/12

// ----------SET UP CANVAS
//set_pixel_size( WINDOW_XSIZE / StageW )
//resize( get_screen(), WINDOW_XSIZE, WINDOW_YSIZE )

Maincanvas = new( StageW , StageH  )
set_screen( Maincanvas )

// -----------------------
while (1)
// loop per each particle1 with x1, y1, z1, R1, G1, B1
   // loop per each particle2 with x2, y2, z2, R2, G2, B2

for( i = 0; i < Numparticles; i + 1)
// ‐---------init particle
if Lifetime[ i ] < 1
rando = rand()
Lifetime[ i ] = Maxlife * rando * norm32 * 0.618 + Maxlife * 0.382
R = rand() & 255
G = rand() & 255
B = rand() & 255
//R = ( rand() & 3 ) * 64 + 63
//G = ( rand() & 3 ) * 64 + 63
//B = ( rand() & 3 ) * 64 + 63
//R = ( rand() & 1 ) * 128 + 127
//G = ( rand() & 1 ) * 128 + 127
//B = ( rand() & 1 ) * 128 + 127
R = ( R * ( 255 - Minbright ) * norm + Minbright ) & 255
G = ( G * ( 255 - Minbright ) * norm + Minbright ) & 255
B = ( B * ( 255 - Minbright ) * norm + Minbright ) & 255
Particlecolor[ i ] = get_color(R,G,B)
ParticleStagecolor[ i ] = get_color(R/4 + 191,G/4 + 191,B/4 + 191)

ParticleX[ i ] = StageW_2 + rand() * norm32 //* StageW
ParticleY[ i ] = StageH_2 + rand() * norm32 //* StageH
ParticleZ[ i ] = StageD_2 + rand() * norm32 //* StageD

Lifetime[ i ] = Lifetime[ i ] - 1

//------------‐---------------‐--‐------- calculate‐-------------------

R1 = get_red( Particlecolor[ i ] ) 
G1 = get_red( Particlecolor[ i ] ) 
B1 = get_blue( Particlecolor[ i ] ) 

for( j = 0; j < Numparticles; j + 1 )
R2 = get_blue( Particlecolor[ j ] )  
G2 = get_green( Particlecolor[ j ] )  
B2 = get_green( Particlecolor[ j ] ) 

// attraction-repulsion  weight by color
Cweight =  (R1*R2 +  G1*G2 +  B1*B2)*normA 
Cweight = - Cweight +  ( R1 * ( G2 + B2 )  + G1 * ( R2 + B2 ) + B1 * ( R2 + G2 ) )*normB

//Cweight = Cweight * abs(Cweight)
//Cweight = Cweight * Cweight * Cweight 
Cweight = floor(pow(Cweight,3) * 2 + 1) / 3

if Cweight > 0 { SgnC = 1 }
else { 
Cweight = Cweight * Repulsrange
SgnC = -1 

AbsCW = abs( Cweight )

// attraction-repulsion  weight by distance
DistX = ParticleX[ j ] - ParticleX[ i ] 
if abs( DistX ) >= StageW_2
  { DistX =  - ( StageW - DistX ) }
if DistX < 0 { SgnX = -1 } else { SgnX = 1 }

DistY = ParticleY[ j ] - ParticleY[ i ] 
if abs( DistY ) >= StageH_2
  { DistY =  - ( StageH - DistY ) }
if DistY < 0 { SgnY = -1 } else { SgnY = 1 }

DistZ = ParticleZ[ j ] - ParticleZ[ i ] 
if abs( DistZ ) >= StageD_2
  { DistZ =  - ( StageD - DistZ ) }
if DistZ < 0 { SgnZ = -1 } else { SgnZ = 1 }

//DistrangeScaled = Distrange * ( 1 - Distscale ) + Distrange * Distscale * AbsCW
DistrangeScaled = Distrange * Distscale
DistrangeScaled = Distrange - DistrangeScaled + DistrangeScaled * AbsCW
Distrange_2 = DistrangeScaled / 2

if SgnC > 0 {
Tx = abs( DistX ) - Distmin1_2
if Tx < Distmin
  {  DXweight =  - SgnX * Tx / Distmin1_2  }
else { if Tx < DistrangeScaled
     { DXweight =  SgnX * (1- ( Tx - Distmin1_2 )/ DistrangeScaled  )}
  { DXweight = 0 }

Ty = abs( DistY ) - Distmin1_2
if Ty < Distmin
  {  DYweight =  - SgnY * Ty  / Distmin1_2  }
else { if Ty < DistrangeScaled
     { DYweight =  SgnY * (1- ( Ty - Distmin1_2 )/ DistrangeScaled  )}
  { DYweight = 0 }

Tz = abs( DistZ ) - Distmin1_2
if Tz < Distmin
  {  DZweight =  -  SgnZ * Tz  / Distmin1_2  }
else { if Tz < DistrangeScaled
     { DZweight =  SgnZ * (1- ( Tz - Distmin1_2 )/ DistrangeScaled  )}
  { DZweight = 0 }
} else {
Tx = abs( DistX ) 
if Tx < DistrangeScaled
     {  DXweight =  - SgnX * ( 1- Tx  / DistrangeScaled ) 
     { DXweight = 0 }
Ty = abs( DistY ) 
if Ty < DistrangeScaled
     {  DYweight =  - SgnY * ( 1- Ty  / DistrangeScaled ) 
     { DYweight = 0 }
Tx = abs( DistZ ) 
if Tz < DistrangeScaled
     {  DZweight =  - SgnZ * ( 1- Tz  / DistrangeScaled ) 
     { DZweight = 0 }

// ----------- update velocity

Accel = Speedstep * AbsCW
ForceX = DXweight * DXweight * DXweight  * Accel
ParticleVx[ i ] =  ParticleVx[ i ] + ForceX 
ParticleVx[ j ] =  ParticleVx[ j ] + ForceX 
ForceY = DYweight * DYweight * DYweight  * Accel 
ParticleVy[ i ] =  ParticleVy[ i ] + ForceY 
ParticleVy[ j ] =  ParticleVy[ j ] + ForceY 
ForceZ = DZweight * DZweight * DZweight  * Accel 
ParticleVz[ i ] =  ParticleVz[ i ] + ForceZ 
ParticleVz[ j ] =  ParticleVz[ j ] + ForceZ 

  // end inner loop
// end outer loop

// -----------Draw particles

effector( EFF_HBLUR, 2, WHITE, - StageW_2 , - StageH_2, StageW, StageH )
effector( EFF_VBLUR, 2, WHITE, - StageW_2 , - StageH_2, StageW, StageH )


for( i = 0; i < Numparticles; i + 1 )

//  ---------- friction
ParticleVx[ i ] = ParticleVx[ i ] * Frictioncoeff
ParticleVy[ i ] = ParticleVy[ i ] * Frictioncoeff
ParticleVz[ i ] = ParticleVz[ i ] * Frictioncoeff
//  ----------- move
ParticleX[ i ] = ParticleX[ i ] + ParticleVx[ i ]
ParticleY[ i ] = ParticleY[ i ] + ParticleVy[ i ]
ParticleZ[ i ] = ParticleZ[ i ] + ParticleVz[ i ]

// ----------WRAP INTO FIELD

ParticleX[ i ] = mod( ParticleX[ i ], StageW ) 
if ParticleX[ i ] < 0 { ParticleX[ i ] = ParticleX[ i ] + StageW }
ParticleY[ i ] = mod( ParticleY[ i ], StageH ) 
if ParticleY[ i ] < 0 { ParticleY[ i ] = ParticleY[ i ] + StageH }
ParticleZ[ i ] = mod( ParticleZ[ i ], StageD ) 
if ParticleZ[ i ] < 0 { ParticleZ[ i ] = ParticleZ[ i ] + StageD }

//dot3D( ParticleX[ i ], ParticleY[ i ], ParticleZ[ i ], Particlecolor[ i ] )

//dot( ParticleX[ i ] - StageW_2, ParticleY[ i ] - StageH_2, ParticleStagecolor[ i ] )

dot( ParticleX[ i ] - StageW_2, ParticleY[ i ] - StageH_2, ParticleStagecolor[ i ] )

//dot( ParticleX[ i ] - StageW_2, ParticleY[ i ] - StageH_2, WHITE )


//goto mainroutine
Posts: 184
Joined: Thu Sep 22, 2022 11:37 pm

Re: pixiVerse - artificial life

Post by ainegil »

This one is amazing, it features higher order structures like quasi symmetric motion of seperate groups.

You have to wait for it

Code: Select all

Numparticles = 256
Distscale = 1 - 0.159 //0.717
Distmax = sqrt(1280*1280 + 720*720 + 720*720)
//sqrt(640*640 + 360*360 + 360*360)
//sqrt(1280*1280 + 720*720 + 720*720)
Distmin = 1.382
Distmin1_2 = Distmin / 2
Distrange = Distmax - Distmin
Repulsrange = 6 / Distrange

Frictioncoeff = 0.851//0.81 0.87
Speedstep = 0.13 //.23
Maxlife = 8000
Minbright = 0 //255 * 0.382

Lifetime = new( Numparticles )
Particlecolor = new( Numparticles )
ParticleX = new( Numparticles,1 ,FLOAT32 )
ParticleY = new( Numparticles,1 ,FLOAT32 )
ParticleZ = new( Numparticles,1 ,FLOAT32 )
ParticleVx = new( Numparticles,1 ,FLOAT32 )
ParticleVy = new( Numparticles,1 ,FLOAT32 )
ParticleVz = new( Numparticles,1 ,FLOAT32 )

StageW = 360
StageH = 360
StageD = 360
StageW_2 = StageW / 2
StageH_2 = StageH / 2
StageD_2 = StageD / 2
norm = 1 / 255
norm32 = 1 / 32767
normA = 1 / ( 255*255*3*2)
normB = 1 / ( 255*510*3*2)
norm6 = 1/6
norm12 = 1/12

// ----------SET UP CANVAS
//set_pixel_size( WINDOW_XSIZE / StageW )
//resize( get_screen(), WINDOW_XSIZE, WINDOW_YSIZE )

Maincanvas = new( StageW , StageH  )
set_screen( Maincanvas )

// -----------------------
while (1)
// loop per each particle1 with x1, y1, z1, R1, G1, B1
   // loop per each particle2 with x2, y2, z2, R2, G2, B2

for( i = 0; i < Numparticles; i + 1)
// ‐---------init particle
if Lifetime[ i ] < 1
rando = rand()
Lifetime[ i ] = Maxlife * rando * norm32 * 0.618 + Maxlife * 0.382
R = rand() & 255
G = rand() & 255
B = rand() & 255
//R = ( rand() & 3 ) * 64 + 63
//G = ( rand() & 3 ) * 64 + 63
//B = ( rand() & 3 ) * 64 + 63
//R = ( rand() & 1 ) * 128 + 127
//G = ( rand() & 1 ) * 128 + 127
//B = ( rand() & 1 ) * 128 + 127
R = ( R * ( 255 - Minbright ) * norm + Minbright ) & 255
G = ( G * ( 255 - Minbright ) * norm + Minbright ) & 255
B = ( B * ( 255 - Minbright ) * norm + Minbright ) & 255
Particlecolor[ i ] = get_color(R,G,B)
ParticleStagecolor[ i ] = get_color(R/4 + 191,G/4 + 191,B/4 + 191)

ParticleX[ i ] = StageW_2 + rand() * norm32 * StageW
ParticleY[ i ] = StageH_2 + rand() * norm32 * StageH
ParticleZ[ i ] = StageD_2 + rand() * norm32 * StageD

Lifetime[ i ] = Lifetime[ i ] - 1

//------------‐---------------‐--‐------- calculate‐-------------------

R1 = get_red( Particlecolor[ i ] ) 
G1 = get_red( Particlecolor[ i ] ) 
B1 = get_blue( Particlecolor[ i ] ) 

for( j = 0; j < Numparticles; j + 1 )
R2 = get_blue( Particlecolor[ j ] )  
G2 = get_green( Particlecolor[ j ] )  
B2 = get_green( Particlecolor[ j ] ) 

// attraction-repulsion  weight by color
Cweight =  (R1*R2 +  G1*G2 +  B1*B2)*normA 
Cweight = - Cweight +  ( R1 * ( G2 + B2 )  + G1 * ( R2 + B2 ) + B1 * ( R2 + G2 ) )*normB

//Cweight = Cweight * abs(Cweight)
//Cweight = Cweight * Cweight * Cweight 
Cweight = (floor(pow(Cweight,3) * 4 )+ 0.236523620109034688) / 4.236523620109034688

if Cweight > 0 { SgnC = 1 }
else { 
Cweight = Cweight * Repulsrange
SgnC = -1 

AbsCW = abs( Cweight )

// attraction-repulsion  weight by distance
DistX = ParticleX[ j ] - ParticleX[ i ] 
if abs( DistX ) > StageW_2 - 0.5
  { DistX =  - ( StageW - DistX - 0.5 ) }
if DistX < 0 { SgnX = -1 } else { SgnX = 1 }

DistY = ParticleY[ j ] - ParticleY[ i ] 
if abs( DistY ) > StageH_2 - 0.5
  { DistY =  - ( StageH - DistY - 0.5 ) }
if DistY < 0 { SgnY = -1 } else { SgnY = 1 }

DistZ = ParticleZ[ j ] - ParticleZ[ i ] 
if abs( DistZ ) > StageD_2 - 0.5
  { DistZ =  - ( StageD - DistZ - 0.5 ) }
if DistZ < 0 { SgnZ = -1 } else { SgnZ = 1 }

//DistrangeScaled = Distrange * ( 1 - Distscale ) + Distrange * Distscale * AbsCW
DistrangeScaled = Distrange * Distscale
DistrangeScaled = Distrange - DistrangeScaled + DistrangeScaled * AbsCW
Distrange_2 = DistrangeScaled / 2

if SgnC > 0 {
Tx = abs( DistX ) - Distmin1_2
if Tx < Distmin
  {  DXweight =  - SgnX * Tx / Distmin1_2  }
else { if Tx < DistrangeScaled
     { DXweight =  SgnX * (1- ( Tx - Distmin1_2 )/ DistrangeScaled  )}
  { DXweight = 0 }

Ty = abs( DistY ) - Distmin1_2
if Ty < Distmin
  {  DYweight =  - SgnY * Ty  / Distmin1_2  }
else { if Ty < DistrangeScaled
     { DYweight =  SgnY * (1- ( Ty - Distmin1_2 )/ DistrangeScaled  )}
  { DYweight = 0 }

Tz = abs( DistZ ) - Distmin1_2
if Tz < Distmin
  {  DZweight =  -  SgnZ * Tz  / Distmin1_2  }
else { if Tz < DistrangeScaled
     { DZweight =  SgnZ * (1- ( Tz - Distmin1_2 )/ DistrangeScaled  )}
  { DZweight = 0 }
} else {
Tx = abs( DistX ) 
if Tx < DistrangeScaled
     {  DXweight =  - SgnX * ( 1- Tx  / DistrangeScaled ) 
     { DXweight = 0 }
Ty = abs( DistY ) 
if Ty < DistrangeScaled
     {  DYweight =  - SgnY * ( 1- Ty  / DistrangeScaled ) 
     { DYweight = 0 }
Tx = abs( DistZ ) 
if Tz < DistrangeScaled
     {  DZweight =  - SgnZ * ( 1- Tz  / DistrangeScaled ) 
     { DZweight = 0 }

// ----------- update velocity

Accel = Speedstep * AbsCW
ForceX = DXweight * DXweight * DXweight  * Accel
ParticleVx[ i ] =  ParticleVx[ i ] + ForceX 
ParticleVx[ j ] =  ParticleVx[ j ] + ForceX 
ForceY = DYweight * DYweight * DYweight  * Accel 
ParticleVy[ i ] =  ParticleVy[ i ] + ForceY 
ParticleVy[ j ] =  ParticleVy[ j ] + ForceY 
ForceZ = DZweight * DZweight * DZweight  * Accel 
ParticleVz[ i ] =  ParticleVz[ i ] + ForceZ 
ParticleVz[ j ] =  ParticleVz[ j ] + ForceZ 

  // end inner loop
// end outer loop

// -----------Draw particles

effector( EFF_HBLUR, 2, WHITE, - StageW_2 , - StageH_2, StageW, StageH )
effector( EFF_VBLUR, 2, WHITE, - StageW_2 , - StageH_2, StageW, StageH )


for( i = 0; i < Numparticles; i + 1 )

//  ---------- friction
ParticleVx[ i ] = ParticleVx[ i ] * Frictioncoeff
ParticleVy[ i ] = ParticleVy[ i ] * Frictioncoeff
ParticleVz[ i ] = ParticleVz[ i ] * Frictioncoeff
//  ----------- move
ParticleX[ i ] = ParticleX[ i ] + ParticleVx[ i ]
ParticleY[ i ] = ParticleY[ i ] + ParticleVy[ i ]
ParticleZ[ i ] = ParticleZ[ i ] + ParticleVz[ i ]

// ----------WRAP INTO FIELD

ParticleX[ i ] = mod( ParticleX[ i ], StageW ) 
if ParticleX[ i ] < 0 { ParticleX[ i ] = ParticleX[ i ] + StageW }
ParticleY[ i ] = mod( ParticleY[ i ], StageH ) 
if ParticleY[ i ] < 0 { ParticleY[ i ] = ParticleY[ i ] + StageH }
ParticleZ[ i ] = mod( ParticleZ[ i ], StageD ) 
if ParticleZ[ i ] < 0 { ParticleZ[ i ] = ParticleZ[ i ] + StageD }

//dot3D( ParticleX[ i ], ParticleY[ i ], ParticleZ[ i ], Particlecolor[ i ] )

//dot( ParticleX[ i ] - StageW_2, ParticleY[ i ] - StageH_2, ParticleStagecolor[ i ] )

dot( ParticleX[ i ] - StageW_2, ParticleY[ i ] - StageH_2, ParticleStagecolor[ i ] )

//dot( ParticleX[ i ] - StageW_2, ParticleY[ i ] - StageH_2, WHITE )


//goto mainroutine
Posts: 184
Joined: Thu Sep 22, 2022 11:37 pm

Re: pixiVerse - artificial life

Post by ainegil »

Here is demo video of the particle code abive (with some changes)

Note there are only a gravity like force and a repulsive force.

Yet the particles behave like choreographed, like a ballet.

Remote groups carry out symmetric movements.

This seems all due to a force factor related to the golden ratio.

Quite a discovery I think.
Posts: 184
Joined: Thu Sep 22, 2022 11:37 pm

Re: pixiVerse - artificial life

Post by ainegil »

And here is a comparison between two systems,
on the left the weights of the particles are constraint to classes of the same weight, on the right the weights are not constraint to classes but arbitrary. The masses have the same value range.

Otherwise both systems are identical

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